2022 - Year in Review
Sportch had a fantastic year in 2022 – we beat the previous year’s record for both matches played and user sign-ups on the app. A total of 3594 matches were played, which averages to a match every 96 minutes during waking hours. July was the busiest month where we averaged a match every 67 minutes, but we weren’t surprised since it’s prime racket-dusting season (especially with Wimbledon coming up).
Fridays and Sundays were the most popular days for games, closely followed by Wednesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday was the least popular day, but we like to think of it as a day of rest (or a chance to practice your serve). The most popular times for matches were 5 and 6 PM, but we even had two matches at 1 AM (apparently some people are just too competitive to sleep).
We also gained 2154 new users in 2022, with most joining in April (just in time for some sunny outdoor tennis).
On top of all that, we have organised some amazing events in 2022.
The first was the Prize Club, a series of quarterly events allowing users to win cash prizes. Our initial prize pot is £500. We are really happy with the uptake of the first Prize Club and hope to build upon it in the months to come.
We also have organised our first Sportch Tour event in La Manga, Spain in collaboration with Success Tours. If you are interested in joining us in September 2023 please follow this link:

We have a lot of exciting things in the works for 2023! One highlight is the introduction of a doubles ladder, which we know will be a hit with players. We are also partnering with some major brands to offer amazing discounts and Sportch merchandise. In addition, we are in talks about sponsoring tournaments in the Greater London area. Keep an eye out for updates on these developments by downloading the app and following us on Instagram and Facebook.
We can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for Sportch, and we hope you’ll join us for all the fun!